Friday, August 23, 2013

No. 11

Dress No.11 is complete. (And you get a story...goes with the theme, right?)

I must admit that the reason I decided to re-do this dress was because I had it and thought, hmmmm good practice and a BIG challenge.  You see Roman's favorite color is orange.  When I was pregnant with Scarlett I saw this dress (already had it in blue) and my pregnant brain said, "You should buy that non-maternity orange dress and Roman will be so excited when you wear it."  And he was.  But then my non-pregnant brain mostly came back and said, "Why do you have an orange dress?"

After months of keeping the dress on the "recycle fabric" pile I realized that it would look better if I paired it with the turquoise braid that I salvaged from another dress...this is how my brain works.  So I trimmed up the braid (both dress and braid are jersey) and started hand stitching it on.  I wanted to try a high-low hemline which was not as easy as I thought.  Anyway, I completely lost my motivation for the dress.  It sat on my dress form the entire 9 months of Houston's pregnancy and I didn't touch it until this challenge.  So all I can say is that I'm proud of myself for 1. finishing it and 2. saving an orange dress....that being said it's still not my favorite.

Not a huge change but I'm learning.

There it is.  Next post: I have a swimsuit makeover.  I also have ideas for No.12 but need to run to the fabric store.  It's another re-fashion and then I'll start on a dress from a pattern!  I'm really excited.
Someone asked me if I hoped to make all 100 dresses in a year and I laughed, at this rate it will be in 5 years which is just fine with me.  Having the goal, learning and challenging myself is what it's all about!
PS - Know anyone whose school colors are orange and turquoise or blue?!  Seriously, this would be an awesome game-day dress! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I really need to read that book...I read her blog. All your dresses look awesome.


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