I found this treasure recently and I'm on FIRE now, so I gotta share...
Who doesn't love Will Smith as an actor; I just NEVER knew he could give such a great pep talk! I'm impressed with his love of life and amazing work ethic. I think this video is worth the 9:55 seconds. (Well, his "flow of the universe" might be a little too deep for me BUT...there are some real gems in his words.)
My favorite Will Words are, "Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity. Why would you be realistic?!... It's unrealistic to walk in a room and flip a switch and lights come on, that's unrealistic. Fortunately Edison didn't think so."
Amen! I get a little angry when I hear, "Be realistic." It's like saying, "Expect the worst, expect failure, expect that you are not enough....why even try?"
In the words of Audrey Hepburn,
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!”
Now go out there and have an awesome week! (slap on the booty)
Wow! This is crazy! Just what I needed today. I am changing things in my life on a huge scale and I have had not so much doubts but uncertainness, if thats even a word, lately. But this really spoke to me and it was like I was led here to hear this today. Thanks Sarah!